Réseau Thématique (RT) "Recherches autour des questions d'éducation"

International scientific conference "Education and Inequalities" and call for papers

The CNRS multidisciplinary thematic network on “Research on Education Issues” organizes, jointly with the Mission for Transverse and Interdisciplinary Initiatives of the CNRS (MITI), an international scientific conference “Education and inequalities”, which will be held in Paris, at 45 rue des Saints-Pères, from Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 May 2023.

For more information, please consult the website: https://inegalites.sciencesconf.org/

During the conference, specific sessions will allow thirty-two young researchers (PhD students or post-doctoral fellows) to present, in five to ten minutes, their scientific work related to these questions. To identify the young researchers who will be invited to talk in these sessions, the organizing committee / scientific committee of the conference is launching a call for papers (deadline March 10, 2023) accessible via the following link: https://inegalites.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/2

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