Pilot centers for teacher training and educational research

Années de lancement et de fin : 2020-2029

The “Pôles pilotes de formation des enseignants et de recherche pour l'éducation” call for projects is part of the “Territoires d'innovation pédagogique” action of the P.I.A.3. With a budget of 30 million euros in the form of ten-year allocations, this call for projects aims to meet the major challenge of training and, more broadly, professional development for primary and secondary school teachers, educational staff and trainers of trainers. The aim is to facilitate the emergence of networked clusters based on the mobilization of all stakeholders and players for educational success (universities, schools, academic services, etc.) around three structuring axes:

  • intensify high-level, multidisciplinary research on education;
  • accelerate the transfer of research findings to the Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education (INSPE), to feed into initial and in-service teacher’s training;
  • facilitate experimentation and dissemination of the best teaching practices in networked schools, junior high schools and high schools, in close collaboration with academic departments.